Hey there! It's Cory! It was super nice to meet you! I've got some stuff for you here, so explore and enjoy!
Connect with Cory!
Here's all my social media—follow me on your platform of choice! Scroll for more and please keep in touch!
Watch Me On Jeopardy!
Play Supermarket Spree DX!
My biggest and best video game is FREE on Itch.io! And soon I'll have actual cartridges! Play it now and lemme know what you think!
Use this card as an Amiibo!
This is a rewritable NFC card! Use an Amiibo NFC writer app to overwrite this card with the Amiibo of your choice. I recommend these:
Ally Pro for iOS TagMo for Android
If you rewrite this, you won't be able to access this page from this card, so make sure you bookmark this page (unless you don't care about me 😢)